This Is My Basset Hound Dutchie I adopted her on the 1 month Anniversary death of my Uncle Ernest Duncan Ames lll My Uncle Bud had died of lung Cancer on Dec.5th 2004 he was a heavy smoker and not a member of the church but all 3 of his daughters from his first marriage got Baptized in the church while they were living with my parents. How Dutchie ended up in the shelter was 3 days after Christmas Dec.28,2004 she killed some farmer's chickens and I went to the SPCA to adopt a Beagle since my family wanted me to have a beagle on Jan.2,2005. My family wanted me to have a beagle my cousin has a beagle that her son left in her care in 1996 because he is in the military and we had this long discussion on if I should have a beagle or not as soon as she heard after my uncle's grave side service that we were looking for a beagle so she told her husband Fred if we knew Christie was looking for a beagle we would of brought Snoopy which is her son's beagle's name well 3 days after I applied for a beagle in a middle of a plumming issue I found Dutchie on the SPCA's website my father had to delay going to my Aunt's House soe we can go Adopt Dutchie. As soon as my brother heard how I got a hold of Dutchie his reaction was what is a killer doing in my house the only thing is he hasn't lived in his house over 20 years Ha ha. Knowing my brother Michael my family would expect him to say something like this.
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