Monday, July 6, 2009

I Have A Friend That Needs Our Prayers

His name is Paul Hamontree. He is very ill he had a stroke 9 years ago and they had to do surgery on him today to see if he had lung cancer and they discovered he has strep and pneumonia at the same time and he may not make it. I met him on line when I first joined AOL because he use to share his wife's scranname and she finally made him get his own screen name this was before his wife became a online host. My family had met his wife and another AOL member who was visiting her. And when she had a heart attack that friend of our's was on 1 of her visits when Tammy and I went to see her and that is when Tammy and I met her husband in person. Knowing his wife Bette if he dies she will freak out. The weird thing about Bette and I we hung around together to long even before we met in person we gotten to know how the other person will act depending on the situation. and I can give you a example the last time we were able to go to my older sister's house right before Christmas my sister's labmix met us at the car with a empty beer can he found in the trash somewhere and he came in the house following somebody and Karen's Ex-son-in-law said he's coming in for more as soon as he said that I responded I know what RXS would say that's a lab for you sure enough she did in her E-mail following that e-mail on that little report. Labs and lab mixes are real bad at carrying things in thier mouths no matter if it was a beer can or a paper towel holder. I know I got off of the topic but please pray for Paul so he can try to get better? And Thank You

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